30 years of esCERT

IFGICT National Seminar on Cybersecurity and Sustainability  

Tuesday July 3, 2024 at the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya - Barcelona Tech - UPC 

The IFGICT International Seminar on Cybersecurity and Sustainability will be held at the Tech Talent Center (c/Badajoz 73, Barcelona) on July 3, 2024 at 4 pm.

This event will host the international seminar on cybersecurity and sustainability organized by IFGICT (International Federation of Global and Green Information Communication Technology) and aims to be a meeting point for different experts to analyze trends and challenges in sustainability and cybersecurity that companies face today.

Agenda of the session:

Hora Activitats
16:00 Welcome from IFGICT and UPC, by Dr. Kayyali Mohamed, president of IFGICT (EUA).
16:15 SDG Sustainability, with Carles Agustí, president of the IFGICT SDG committee and expert in governance, open government, smart cities and international relations. 
16:45 CSRD Sustainability, with Carlos López, Sustainability & Compliance Manager at WORSLEY Acceleration Services.
17:15  Case of use, by a company with IFGICT certification.
17:45 Questions to all speakers
18:00 Intervention of Professor Manel Medina, expert in cybersecurity and academic co-director of the Master in Cybersecurity Management.
18:10 Intervention of Enric Llaudet, vice-president of Industry of IFGICT and responsible for International Information Security at Teladoc Health International.
18:40 "Presentation of the results of the IRIS project in the evaluation of the impact of Cybersecurity in the Sustainability objectives", by René Serral, expert in networks, operating systems and cybersecurity. Coordinator of the Master in Cybersecurity Management and co-director of the postgraduate course in Cloud Computing Architecture.
19:10 Questions
19:25 Networking 

Registration open here!



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